目前分類:聽科技 (7)

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我們正在 AI 黃金時代的開端,近年來的科技進步讓我們實踐了以前科幻電影中的生活。人工智慧和機器學習一直是各個科技巨頭爭相開發的產品項目,例如語音助理、無人機、無人商店等等,讓業者和消費者可以親身感受 AI 帶來的變化。


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在臉書(Facebook)屆滿十年的日子裡,近日特別推出「A Look Back」(回首好時光)的網頁功能。以專業影音剪輯的方式,迅速幫你整理出當年你加入臉書的那一刻到現在的種種,將你的圖文照片轉化成動態畫面,並搭配上動人的配樂呈現!其中又分為三大重點回顧項目:一、加入臉書的第一刻,二、最多個讚的貼文,三:您所分享的照片。嘖嘖嘖…回憶過去,痛苦的相…唉呀!別打我!


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OMG!以下是 Facebook 這幾天的來信:


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Pattern recognition is very common in machine learning, but there are too many issues behind commercial activities (privacy, security, advertisement...profit-making relevance) take "Optical Character Recognition, OCR" for example, it has been widely used neither in web accessibility nor educational materials. Since the commercial behaviors on the internet/publication have found their settlement in some level. Well... let's pick on Facebook for instance, it has allowing Facial Recognition functionality Jun 2011, despite how much complains or privacy concerns have been raised against it. FB still allowing Facial Recognition not just for user-experience enhancement but the possible revenue$$$ behind it (Ref. :http://www.theregister.co.uk/....../)

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